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Fender Deluxe 85
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Bixbeee Bixbeee
Published on 07/06/08 at 11:26
Audience: Beginners
2ch + 60W transistor amp switch.


Usual configuration for this type of amp ...
Very crystal clear sound but lack all the same a little fishing (a remaining average transistor range even if it's fender).
The mix of the two channels (clean + distortion) requires a little mastery of the amp and is not always very convincing.
Like all combos, a few hours of rglages will ncessaires to find her sound, it will depend of the hardware used guitar etc ... But I tell you nothing.


The clean sounds are very good (as often in fender) by against this amp really miss fishing, when pushed a little we realize its limitations.
The distortion sounds and the boost sound very "mtallique" and quite cold.
this amp lacks warmth I got, even for a "transistor".

That said with some stuff behind it can largely do the trick, and used price is very affordable as given that it is not specially sought-as some of his " brothers "lampifis;)

... Has left me an amp with which one can draw very good things in more or less all styles, perfectly know the condition and know how to use!


This is the first amp I bought;)
I had purchased for $ 90 beginning of about 20000frs Belgians (yes, sorry, I'm Belgian! Excuse me!), Is equivalent to roughly 500euros.
It's always rest in a corner, I have never sold ... But I use it virtually! must be a nostalgia for espce ...

This amp is neither exceptional nor bad. A good balance for beginners who want an amp that holds up (for the price) and for exprimentes ears dsirent have at home a transistor amp for certain sounds (amp look awesome by the way!)

... Obviously all this is subjective, I like some things, others do not and vice versa)

If c'tait again I would do this choice as a must do 15 years that I have and it is always nickel ... But God knows if it is assumed the full-gu ** e for all this time !!! : D
7 I say!