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Fender FM 15R
Fender FM 15R
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el ufo el ufo
Published on 06/07/04 at 01:01
Audience: Beginners
It's a small combo 15w transistors, classic anything.

I have beginners with a. .. Note that there is now a new version of this combo, I possde former MODEL, one in the photo (to 7/6/2004), so CHARACTERISTICS are not quite the same.

I refer to the Fender site for all Technical Specifications, and the diffrence between me and the new MODEL:
http://fender.fr/produits/fender/amplis/guitares/frontman/0231501049_frontman_15r.php #


Level use, it's bin good plug and play huh, easy carry around and not complicated to use!


Ae FACE ...

Okay so the beginners, it suited me well with his trs clear channel and its channel saturated ...

But now that I have my Fender Blues Junior All Tube ... Ben has done wrong!

Quite simply, this combo is more to me that dpanner, as compared to the light, the sound of it is compltement dgueu! No motion, sound, cold, distant ... The rverb sucks and saturation ugly. It really is the transistor well ugly!


Well, let's be clear, for beginners (who have had little ears mouths), this little combo is very practical: its format first, and then by its ease of use ...

But for all those who jou dj lights on an amp or have a minimum of taste, they will find the sound compltement dgueu dirty and that really inspires it! This is truly the transistor in all its ugliness!

In short, a mixed review but when you beginners, we did not want to put forcment lot of money in a nice amp if you're not sr continue ...

Is what I would do the same choice? If my c'tait beginners, yes (or I would have bought the same little shit version Marshall) because its price is really trs attractions with, and it is easy to transport .. If c'tait now, not at all! I still buy prfre pounds of bananas! The sound is really ugly and cold!