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[NAMM] AEA RPQ Ribbon Pre

The RPQ with Curve Shaping and P48 power has 80 dB of JFET gain, P48 phantom power for active studio ribbons such as AEA’s

A440, and LF trim and HF boost controls that are “tuneable and defeatable so that you can tame proximity problems or add a little more to the top, ” according to AEA.

The RPQ is designed for ribbons, condensers, and moving coil microphones. AEA’s DC-coupled JFET topology is designed to deliver the dynamics, subwoofer bass and fast transients that your ribbons or other mics can capture.

The RPQ’s Low-Energy-Storage (LES™) circuitry is designed to recover from overloads. In addition, its No Load™ input impedance of over 10,000 Ω makes it “an ideal active mic splitter, ” according to AEA.

For more info and full product specs, check out www.wesdooley.com/pdf/RPQ_Technical_Onesheet_4.pdf.
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