So, When I got the piece, I unwittingly plugged it straight into the wall or multibox to be exact. it takes 110 volts. In NewZealand where I live our out puts are 240 volts. I almost blew the thing up however luckily it survived. I took it into an electrical shop to get a transformer. The only piece that fit the bill was an 120 volt piece. It worked! However, now it buzzes. The mic does not pic it up and the thing still works as intended but it is starting to grate at my ears. Would this be because the transformer is 120 volts and not 110? Could it be the brief encounter with 240 volts has slightly degraded the components of the DBX, or something else.
I'd love to get some insight on the matter!
Steve Skies
New AFfiliate
Member 6 years ago
2Posted on 09/14/2018 at 09:14:45
Check that its not a ground issue and or faulty connections on the inside (check the soldering of components). Though i would advise taking it to a specialist to get it checked out.
Sorry to hear you almost lost your equipment.
And that my response is a bit late.
I didn't noticed this post....
I think with the transformer a capacitor or two has been blown up / damaged.
These things can handle some voltage but if you feed them to much voltage... they die.
Capacitors function is to make the dc voltage after a diode bridge smoother. To much fluctuation in the DC voltage causes a hum in the signal amplifiers...
If one or more capacitors are damaged you will hear a hum / noise from the equipments output because the dc voltage is no longer smooth enough..
I expect the capacitors right after the diode bridge or even the one directly over the mains input is gone...