TopicPosted on 01/11/2007 at 15:11:58kick drum help!
Well I got my mixer... It's a Behringer XENYX1222FX. I almost went with a yamaha but the sound quality was much better on the behringer... anywho...
I'm running two overheads and one kick drum. They aren't great mics but they get the job done... I have the perfect tone/pan and reverb on the overheads but i'm having trouble with the kick... I'm recording meavy metal and i need that perfect tone... what should i do? I have like 100 different types of reverb and delay and such... but what about the bass,mid and trebble?
just want that kick to be clear!
New AFfiliate
Member 18 years ago
2Posted on 01/25/2007 at 04:59:56
I recorded the drums in my band like that for a while. Generally the Bass always sounded mince until we spent ages EQ'in it in sonar. I think we used a multi-band compressor as well. The recordings are up on our myspace, which is here:
put the mic inside the kick drum, pointed to the beater. compress a bit and add a slight reverb.
as for eq, lower the mids and boost highs till you get that "klick" sound (metallica style).