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Thread Help recording into computer

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Sujet de la discussion Help recording into computer
Hey guys,

I'm pretty new to all this recording, but, basically, I'm trying to record vocals into my PC.

I'm using SoundForge and I have a Sony F-V420 mic. The problem is that the sound is SO QUIET I can barely here it. I've pushed the mic volume to the max on the Sound and Audio Devices in Control Panel. I tried using Mic Boost, even then it wasn't that loud, but I got a lot of background hiss, which I didn't like.

I don't suppose anyone could push me in the direction of how to get a high quality, clear recording, of a decent volume, without a lot of background his?

Thanks a lot.
I had the same problem! The frequency is just not handled by your soundcard...I got an "Art" tube mp preamp, and it does the trick.
mic boost?

so i suppose you are using an onboard soundcard. forget clear recording and high quality.

onboard soundcards mic inputs are designed for soundblaster-style mics.
Thanks for your reply.

Is it time to get a separate Sound Card then? If I did get something a bit beefy or, well, any sort of separate sound card, would my recordings come out better then?
for example:


this is an external sound card, complete with everything you might need: a mic preamp and instrument/line inputs.

it comes with 24 bit/48 Khz converters, a much higher resolution, dynamic range and frequency response than a common onboard card.

i hope it helps to clear things out.

If you are to consider an external soundcard, please look into professional brands, like M-Audio, MOTU, Apogee, RME etc...

they cost a bit more, but give greater satisfaction in the long run.

Do NOT be fooled by Creative Soundblaster's products: these are gamer cards, they will drive you mad with latency problems (like audigy).