TopicPosted on 08/08/2007 at 05:24:09DRUM HELP PLEASE!
i currently use cubase sx on a pc and have an edirol ua 20 interface (it has to jack inputs)
im getting a macbook at christmas with logic etc...
ive just brought a set of sure drum mics which work well live, but when i record i have to mix the drums first, and i cant mix the drums seperately afterwards :S
what would i need to buy to be able to mix the drums after ive recorded?
New AFfiliate
Member 17 years ago
2Posted on 08/09/2007 at 13:18:44
yeah but the problem with that is, i cant mix them after ive recorded, i would have to premix right?
well, first of all u need to understand the channel strip of ur system (from the source of sound, to your ears).
then u just multiply by as many channels as you would like to record.
ull need more than one mic (or trigger)
more than one input for separate recording of tracks (so, mixer with multiple in/outs),
soundcard with ability of multitrack recording,
software on computer, that alows that kind of recording
a little bit of sound optimiziation on ur comp wouldnt hurt;CPU, RAM,maybe WIDE SCREEN
a lot of plugins
also (when outputing )important thing are reference monitor speakers.
not to forget... good studio headphones for detailed listening are always usefull
keep the stream basic and clean, cause most can be added after.
There are people who record individual hits of drums and patch them to their synth or rhythm machine (controller) and then play buttons/keys like drumms. there are also guys that record (overdub) individual tracks of drums;
first rec kick, playback it and whilst playbacking, rec simultaneously next track (snar),
then tom's, cymbals...
but there is no limit, to what one can do!