TopicPosted on 11/13/2006 at 21:49:22Volume problem -- Help please
I am a newbie starting out recording acoustic guitar to an sm-57 to a lexicon omega into the computer into cubase le. i am having issue getting good volume. to compensate i boost up the volume on my speakers really high and the sound becomes very boomy and noisy. anyone know what might be the issue? someone suggested that an sm-57 is too weak to record an acoustic guitar. would buying a condenser mic solve the issue, or are there other things i can try?
New AFfiliate
Member 19 years ago
2Posted on 11/16/2006 at 05:58:47
The SM57 is a great mic especially for electric guitar amps, but certainly not the best choice for acoustics. If you can, try a small diameter condenser aka "pencil" mic such as the Octavia M012. This mic works unbelievably well on acoustic guitar. Another good choice would be to try any of the large diameter condenser mics which often sound great too on acoustics.
For my money, the small diameter condensers miked up close (around 12th fret) slightly off axis toward the soundhole and very close to the neck just can't be beat. Hope this helps.