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Thread syncing tracks in cool edit pro

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Topic syncing tracks in cool edit pro
I am useing cool edit pro for my multitrack recording. Question, is there any way to sync the tracks. I want to be able to record on say 5 tracks seperatly but when tehy are played back, they need to be in sync.

I often use Band in a box to play the backing muisc for me, I record this into cool edit pro. Is there any way of recording each instument seperatly so that I can add effects etc to each track.

I can record all the parts, but then I have a problem syncing them altogether.

This is kind of a weird question, I'm not quite sure what you're asking....

You say you want to record 5 tracks seperately but then be in sync when they are played back? I don't see how they wouldn't be? You record one track, and then listen to that track while you play and record the next track right? And then so on until you get to 5 tracks. Your question is worded a little weird, maybe you can clarify?

The second question, is there a way to record each instrument seperately so you can add seperate effects? Yes, very easily. Just click the red "R" button next to the track you want to record to. Once that track is recorded, make sure you unclick the R button. Then click the R button on a seperate blank track and record that part. Once you have all your tracks recorded, click the "FX" button (should be under the R button somewhere) and you can set up your effect from there. Then just repeat for every track.
Are you soloing each midi track during playback while recording into cool edit? You could do it the old-fashioned way by inserting a single click one or 2 measures before the first measure of the sequence then aligning all subsequently recorded audio tracks visually to that click.

I don't know if BIAB can send out MTC but I know Cool Edit can sync to MTC. If BIAB can send sync, then you need something like a virtual midi cable between the 2; something like MidiYoke. Frankly, I have neither program and the last time I used a virtual midi device (Hubi's Midi Loopback) was something like a decade ago.
Just posted this elsewhere...

i'm new to this but try this:
in multitrack view, highlight only the waveform (beginning of first sound to end of last sound) in track X
right-click and then left-click adjust boundaries
now you have an unmoved, "truncated" wav
(do that with as many tracks as you need to)
now right-click and drag that sucker back and forth until it matches up with the other tracks

oh yeah, the closer you zoom in horizontally, the smaller the intervals of movement when you drag the wav

hope that helps