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Thread Focusrite pre amp... what else buddies?

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Topic Focusrite pre amp... what else buddies?
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I'm pretty new to recording and I have a really crappy setup. One of these days I decided to buy a new setup and I won't be using a mixer anymore. Instead of it I will get a Focusrite Octo Pre Amp and a PC interface.
Ok then, my doubt is: I don't know what to buy with the pre amp. Do I need anything else than a sound card?
I don't know what sort of sound card I need to use with the Focusrite Octo Pre Amp. I really would appreciate a few suggestions about the sound card or other stuff to make my new setup complete. I will be recording guitars, bass, drums and vocals so I need at least 8 simultaneous recorded tracks.
By the way, anyone has experienced this pre amp? Can you tell me what you thought about that?



%1$s a écrit I'm pretty new to recording and I have a really crappy setup. One of these days I decided to buy a new setup and I won't be using a mixer anymore. Instead of it I will get a Focusrite Octo Pre Amp and a PC interface.

Unless you plan to use the preamps without a computer also, I would vote for an integrated firewire preamp computer interface. The Presonus Firepod has great sound ... and works with a Mac without any drivers. I _am_ impressed with the Focusrite preamp, eq, compressor strips however.