TopicPosted on 07/31/2005 at 13:06:44i need advice on everything!!!!
Hey, I want to start recording some stuff, particularly my band. I'm planning on getting a mic (mxl 990) and possibly the tascam us-122 or 224, i cant decide. but i think that might be the best way to record my stuff. btw, the tascams come with recording software.
any reccomendations or comments?
New AFfiliate
Member 19 years ago
2Posted on 08/03/2005 at 11:45:47
I am pretty new in recording as well, but I might try to help you with this and you can post other topics with more specific questions.
First of all would you like an analog recording or digital?
With this two recorders you mentioned are connected via USB, I personally don't like it, and they have 16 MIDI channels that might be a pain in the ass to record some acoustic things.
Have you heard about M-Audio Delta 10/10LT? It's a great PCI sound card and it costs about U$200.
Check out Behringer mixers as well they are a great quality for the best price. Check out Behringer Eurorack UB1622FX Pro. I am myself starting my home studio, and I will use a PCI card and a Behringer mixer.
Try to access and go to the recording page. And also search for the mixer I told you and the PCI card, there's lots of specs and overviews about them in there.
I hope I could help you somehow.
thanx for ur advice! if i were to buy that behringer mixer, what else would i need besides a mic? do i need to hook it up to the computer?? and hypothetically speaking, if i got the tascam us122 all i would need is the mic, the us122, and then hook it up to the computer. so i wouldnt need to buy a preamp or anything. thats what i'm trying to avoid, buying more then i absolutely have to, cuz i'm on a strict budget. thanx for help!