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Recording Room Ambience?

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Topic Recording Room Ambience?
I have been recording for about 2-3 years now but I mainly only did R&B and Rap vocals. I know all the major concept of recording in the general but to be honest I don't have any experience at all recording rock. But this band approached me and really wanted me to do the recording so I agreed to recording this rock band for the first time. But like I said at all I don't have any real experience in recording rock.

My two big questions are the following:

1. I was told that setting 2 mics far away from the band to capture the room ambiance and mixing it in to the mix so that the sound would sound more "real" and I would not have to add as much artificial reverb. Is this true? If so how true?
2. If the above is true, what mics do you recommend for me to get (I would prefer if the price would not go over 250 dollars with both mics).

Here is my set up at the moment - let me know if there is something that not right.

1 Kick drum Shure Mic (PG-52)
3 Snare/Tom Mics (PG-58)
2 Drum Ambience Mic (AKG D9000)
2 Guitar Amp Mic (MXL 993)
1 Bass Amp Mic (SM57)
1 Vocal Mic (AT4047)

Some of these mics I used because I had them around and I'm very limited to resources, but if you think they really won't work, let me know please. Thank you.
Appreciated Ra7or. Thanks for the valuable advice.
1. true if you have a good sounding room. if not, don't even bother, 'artificial' reverb will sound 10 times better.

2. any good large condenser mic. example: samson c03, sounds decent and costs almost nothing.