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Why start with Mono for vocal recordings?

  • 1 comment
  • 2 participants
Topic Why start with Mono for vocal recordings?
Ive seen quite a lot of people start their vocal recording with a Mono setup
but i normally start with a stereo one then record it...mixing into a intsrumental track, did some voice enhancements like EQ's and compressing (which still results a bad mixdown) =(

my question are:
-what are the Pros & Cons of doing this process?
-would it make my vocal track sit properly on the mix as well?

My Genre -- RnB/Soul

I guess one problem with stereo vocal recording is mic placement and phase issues due to the fact that a singer moves around a bit. also the sound isn't clearly or spacialy defined. these are just some reasons.

but I have also experiments with stereo vocal recording and have gotten some interesting results from time to time.