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Thread Novice recording drums through M- Audio Session with the single input interface.

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  • 2 participants
Topic Novice recording drums through M- Audio Session with the single input interface.
This is my first post here. Thanks to anyone that reads it. I have M Audio Session, with the small USB single 1/8 jack input. I want to record drums. First off, can I hook multiple drum mics up through my mixer, and then somehow plug the mixer into the interface to record? Or am I doomed to only be able to use one mic for recording drums? Thanks for any of your help!!!

Quote: can I hook multiple drum mics up through my mixer, and then somehow plug the mixer into the interface to record?

you could do this but then you wouldn't be able to separate the tracks after. this means you can't just edit one sound, EQ, or remix or adjust levels etc. which kind of defeats the purpose of recording into a DAW or computer.

do you understand what i mean?