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< All Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000] reviews
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Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000]
Fender American Standard Stratocaster [1986-2000]
MGR/Anonymous MGR/Anonymous

« Squier Strat »

Published on 03/05/04 at 15:00
I bought it years ago from someone for $175, but it was with a Crate 30 watt amp too! I needed a junky guitar to smash on stage, so I looked for a junky guitar, and what did I find for cheap, a Squier!

Wow, don't buy it, maybe buy it if you are a begginer, but beware, it is total crap. Everything just starts to go wrong when you buy one, terrible pickups and everything. You can't even try to fix it up, it is jus junk, just buy a regular Fender Strat and you'll be happy. The only thing I like about Squiers are 1. smashing them or 2. using the tremolo so much that all of the strings break and the tremolo itself almost comes off. They are great to fool around with if you don't want to mess up your other guitars. Squier guitars don't bounce good either, they just make a big dent and chip alittle bit.

I hate the whole Squier guitar, it's just junk! Also, the stupid neck bends way too easily. They are just good for breakin on stage or at home, everyone likes breakin stuff, why not break total junk, a Squier?!

Wow, don't even get me started on a Squier guitars "quality"!

Don't even look at any other reviews, a Squier guitar is crap, totally! Maybe only good for a begginer, but even a begginer should start on somethin alittle bit better than a Squier. The only thing a Squier guitar is good for is breakin on stage or at home, or just goin insane with the tremolo and f'n up the whole guitar! I give it a 1 because they are fun to break!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com