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Fender Deluxe Super Strat
Fender Deluxe Super Strat
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« Fender Deluxe Super Strat »

Published on 01/02/02 at 15:00
looking for a strat.Got this one from musicians friend for 499.

I dont know why more people dont buy these.
The workmenship is great and the 7 way switching gives you a verity of tones.I changed out the pickups to lace sensors(the originals are good)But I wanted that fat gibson sound for blues So I replaced the neck pickup with a blue lace a gold in the middle and a silver in the bridge wow with the 7 way you have a super versital ax.Get the frets edged and you have a great strat.
Mine is honey blonde w a maple neck and board.Gold hardware comes standard. The tortus shell pickguard looks great. I have a hard time telling the differance from the tone on the neck pickup or the neck and center on from my les paul! And with the silver at the bridge you get the surf sound.You also can have all 3 on at once for rythem. Or the neck and bridge at once(try that with a standard strat!) I dont know why some say the mexican strats are bad.This one is almost flawless and sounds great with good sustain. I have other guitars as well as another strat, a rick, a les paul and a casino for the p90 hollow body sound but I play this strat and the casino the most and they are the least expensive with a few mods.

The frets were a little sharp on the edges.But I am picky.You can get them edged for 10-15.00 at any guitar store. Other than that this is a great value

Very good

like I said very few people buy these or even know they exist(7way)I think this is a great ax for the price.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com