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Fender ST-54
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cedart cedart

«  Very special product .... »

Published on 09/05/11 at 08:26
Guitar made by Fender Japan in 2009, Very Special Product version (wood selected and specially built micro-Di Marzio for this guitar)
Easel type vibrato vintage Fender Start
Maple neck V-shape (rather thick compared to the model 1962) closely resembles that of a Telecaster, but V-shaped ...
21 frets, 3-Di Marzio Micro vintage Start. single coil.
1volume, 2 tone 1 5 switch positions.


The handle is very nice although the shiny patent is a bit uncomfortable but polished power of play ...
The ergonomics are excellent (that of a Start ...) access to acute is easy.
The sound is very good micro-Di Marzio is a warm vintage but without much background very nice clear sound in full.
Great versatility thanks to the 5-way switch.


Given the wide range available it sound perfect: I play more blues or indie rock or funk.

The sounds range from crystal (bridge pickup) in hot fat (neck pickup) and various neutral shades offered by the central micro and these different combinations.)

I appreciate especially on a vox AC 30 C2, a Cry Baby Wha, a MXR GT OD MXR a Disto III, a Fuzz Probe, an MXR Carbon Copy Delay ......

Ideal in virtually all the records just to apply the proper effect.


I use it for a month and VSP editions have since become a holy grail since there are all model ('57, '62, as well as Jazz and Precision Bass), edited with few copies they remain affordable in comparison US and a more sophisticated microphone with the latter.
Raport money very good.

This choice I would do without hesitation .......

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