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Fender Stratocaster [1965-1984]
Fender Stratocaster [1965-1984]

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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« Squier Stratocaster »

Published on 06/26/01 at 15:00
I wanted to start learning so i bought it from a music shop for about £200 with strings, case, amplifier and tutor video (which was crap) and a lead.

Its easy to play, well constructed and light and looks the part as well. Black and red are the best colours.

Cracks are appearing on the back, and sometimes when a string breaks its annoying and difficult to get the string ball out. also when playing shotgun the pickup selection switch cathces the hand which is annoying.

Well constructed, good quality and looks great although cracks and dents easily.

Great value for money - looks the part, plays well, and overall a great guitar.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com