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Fender Stratocaster [1965-1984]
Fender Stratocaster [1965-1984]

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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MGR/Martin Lee (from UK) MGR/Martin Lee (from UK)

« Squier Stratocaster »

Published on 01/26/02 at 15:00
I paid £120 From the argos catalogue,
i bought it as my first guitar. This guitar is made in China.

Umm well it looks ok, its got quite a nice plastic black finish to it. it has 22 frets, 3 single coil pickups (im struggling here) and it was quite reliable. is better than a Hohner.

Where do i start? After a little while the neck started to bow, the frets buzzed, if you strummed the strings too hard the truss rod in the neck would vibrate making a horibble noise, there was next to no varnish on the fret bored, the pickups sound so thin and tinny,
when i opened it up i dicovered random bits of metal stuck to the back of the pick ups, screws coming thru from underneath where the trem had been screwed in, cracking paint and badly fitted joints.

awful, looks nice enough from the outside, open it up and find allsorts of surprizes and surplace bits of metal.
This guitar was put together by some blind one armed chinese 5 year old. (poor kid tried his best, what do you want for 3cents an hour)

if u dont want to spend much money then this is the guitar for you! if you are going to buy a squier please (for your own sake) dont buy a chinese one! there are much better budget guitars around like tanglewood or for a bit more an Epiphone.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com