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Ibanez RG350DX
Ibanez RG350DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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chemchou chemchou
Published on 07/11/07 at 05:29
Value For Money : Excellent
Ibanez rg 350 wh white super nice can it reminds one of the jem vai
run as super flat dab in ibanez perfect for a super game rabid or shred 24 boxes with shark tooth inlay
vibrato type ibanez pink FLOYE
bridge pickup: inf3
microphone in the middle: infs3
neck pickup: INF2
I put 7 as it is a very well put guitar apart the microphones are crap!


The neck is super pleasant access to the egusi is very natural not need to squirm
it is average to slightly heavy compared to a LES PAUL
LA's THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN A GUITAR ben blah like I said its really crappy mics by contribution to the Luthra is very corect for the price
I oppter DIMARZIO for my taste, which remains the reference in the field SATRIANI VAI PAUL GILBERT MALMESTEINE ... JAI put a tone zone in bridge and an air shaft in the middle zone is staying home is the metamorphosis c ben become a great guitar worthy of the prestige as the original pickups on his false prestige DiMarzio made in Korea by ibanez


With the tone zone Fiffi prenent another large volume of output it as an evolution that has to eSite g which gives a big sound but super cold I play blues rock in a can is made of metal c genial
area with the air sleeve just lower the volume of the guitar is really for IBANEZ not made for his bluesy sound is to go solo for c very clean with no temperature or boiled as the microphones a home only when advised to change the microphone's worth vau
dailymotion example of strong typing chemchou the guitar ..............


Very good value for money but predict 250 euros more to change the pickups on the blow vau !!!!!