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STC-Shaped Guitar from LTD belonging to the Standard MH series

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osisko osisko
Published on 09/25/07 at 20:34
Start guitar shaped, made in asia
24 jumbo frets, 2 ESP LH-150 humbuckers
Bridge Floyd Rose double-barrier liscence (floating bridge)
One volume knob and one tonalitée, 3 position selector
Keys rosewood, body agathis


The key is excellent, handle very "fast", although designed for the arpeggios in "sweep", the tapping, the bending. the cut is ergonomic.
There is no access genes at the 24th fret on the 6th string with any finger, and the weight is average, but does not feel when playing standing.
Clear amplified sound is very clear treble and rich, but it is easy to get a well rounded with the micro side handle.


It is designed for metal. I use a Line6 Pod and a Peavey Bandit 112 amp series Transtube 100W RMS. I can get the sonoritée I want with the pod, but I get as fat as a sonoritée crystal with any type of analog distortion Metalzone. It is especially valuable for palm-muting, muffled notes are very powerful and biting.


I use it for some months, following a very similar Ibanez and a stratum. I really appreciate that this guitar has been designed for the metal before the game look, which is very noble and neutral in this style. I played a lot of different models, and I find that this guitar is an excellent investment for the guitarist metal or hard rock has a price / quality ratio in the best in its class. if I had the choice again, I re-choose, taking into account that it is exactly what I was aiming for my style of play, and it is the finest of its kind in ESP.