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dbx 166XL
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Published on 09/19/07 at 05:48
Gate / Compressor / Limiter 1 or 2 mono channels Stereo Gate rglage threshold and relchement Comp: rglage threshold, compression ratio, speed and dclenchement relchement, gain Output Limiter: rglage level of the peak max Connectors: XLR and Jack except sidechain (Jack only)


Use of live voice and bass drum mainly in insert.
Manuel clear, even if I find lightweight, I would have AIM, for example schmas assembly, with the sidechain, not just an explanation ...
Good point, to outline the key which does not compress much lower than the rest of the spectrum.


For the small live, great! No noise gate, compression efficient, effective rglages.


I use it for a year and a half, I hsit with the 266xl.
Previously I had the S-Com More Samson. Finally I took the 166XL for the limiter. I do not regret at all the extra cost compared to the S-Com Plus. Much better sound level, compression is not the sound of the gate, the quality of manufacturing is felt more at the touch of the notches of pots ...
I do not regret buying the S-Com Plus, because it made me realize the difference between the two machines. For me the diffrence in price is justified and weaker and weaker.
In this price range, there is also the MaxCom BBE (no essay.
I intend to buy one in order to compress multiple vocal tracks.

July 2009 Edit: I have a ratchet deuxime, and they really suit me. Now I look for one with a little grain of characters for variety.