OTO Biscuit
NewsOTO Machines is a small French company dedicated to designing new tools for music and sound creation - It has been created by two sound engineers & producers, sharing a same passion for sound, music,…
[Musikmesse] SPL M/S Master
NewsMusikmesseSPL introduced a new, powerful analog tool that can manage M/S signal separation and integrate external processors seamlessly - The M/S Master.
Sound Skulptor Stereo Tape Simulator
NewsSound Skulptor announced the Stereo Tape Simulator, an analog processor that recreates the sonic imprint of vintage tape recorders.
[NAMM] Behringer Virtualizer FX2000
NewsNAMMBehringer announced a new 3D Multi-Engine Effects Processor.
[NAMM] Roland VP-7
NewsNAMMThis portable processor is designed to set up quickly on top of keyboards with free panel space and creates ensemble vocal sounds with a variety of PCM-based vocal sounds, or with Roland's Vocal Desi…
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Synth
NewsNAMMVoiceTone Synth is designed to bring together a collection ofexotic and contemporary sonic effects, including jagged HardTuneT effects, classic Vocoder effects, a voice-controlled synthesizer and voc…
[NAMM] VoiceTone Harmony-G XT Upgrade
NewsNAMMHarmony-G XT now adds Auto-Chromatic Pitch Correction – available as a free download for all Harmony-G XT owners.
[NAMM] TC Helicon VoiceTone Create XT
NewsThe original VoiceTone Create is used to give vocalists the tools they need to quickly and easily turn in well produced vocal performances.
[NAMM] Steinberg Nuendo SyncStation
NewsNAMMSteinberg has announced it is shipping a "benchmark-setting" new hardware sync solution: Nuendo SyncStation.
[NAMM] API 527 Compressor
NewsNAMMAPI is now shipping the 527 compressor, a single channel module based on API's 225L discreet channel compressor.
Elysia mpressor
NewsThe mpressor TDM version is out now, with a 25 % discount in January.
JDK Audio R22 Compressor
NewsJDK Audio, the brand developed and engineered by API, announced the fourth product in its line of signal processing equipment.
Boss VE-20 Vocal Performer
NewsBoss brings effects processing to the performing vocalist,in the design and simplicity of a twin-pedal stompbox, with the VE-20 Vocal Performer.
MeldaProduction MFreeformEqualizer
NewsMeldaProduction has announced the release of MFreeformEqualizer, a new FFT based linear-phase equalizer which can provide virtually any frequency response, the company promises.
TC Helicon VoiceTone Harmony-G XT
NewsDesigned for the singing guitarist, VoiceTone Harmony-G XT is designed to marry the "simplicity of the original Harmony-G with state of the art processing right from VoiceLive 2."