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Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohms
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohms
Nicolas35 Nicolas35
Published on 10/06/06 at 00:25
I use it for 6 months or more and I redcouvre happily every time I put it on my ears.
Premire it is extremely comfortable. Rel a joy!
The sound is more than good.
Ahhhh if only we could find that sound in the concert halls, as clear as prcis with bass so deep ...
I do not use it to mix because I've never bones take that risk.
It insulates well trs.
Trs a really good product for that.
Obviously there is more bass than my NS10M but what a joy to hear!
J'hsitais with Sony MDR7506 but hey, after a moment it must make a choice.
The cord is quite convenient spriral finally, in any case does not draw too much on the head. The AC joint and very practical though not very solid trs. APRS 6 months of use I was able to replace (not rsistantes welds and sheet pan).
Warranty can.