Slate Digital VTM Virtual Tape Machines - "Accurate Tape Simulation"
Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machine is a software plug-in to be used inside a DAW. Installation is performed after a direct download of the software from the website. Authorization …
Slate Digital VTM Virtual Tape Machines - "Works with your transport controls"
The Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machines has some really useful features. If you are into digital recordings then this is a plug in that you need to invest in. This system is modeled from the old sch…
Slate Digital VTM Virtual Tape Machines - " VTM or the art of doing a good job at Slate Digital"
translatedThe installation was never complicated in Slate; We launch the installer, we follow the march forward, we choose the type of plugin, "There you go." No incompatibilities identified. SUITABILITY/P…
Slate Digital VTM Virtual Tape Machines - " ANALOG HEAT IS HERE"
translatedYes yes no problems, no incompatibilities encountered not need the visual manual step is sufficiently clear without it. SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCE Mac pro quad core 101 3.2 gigas gigas ram SNOW 10…