[NAMM] 2 new TC-Helicon products at NAMM
Hot newsNAMMTC-Helicon will introduce tomorrow at NAMM 2015 two new products, a looper for microphone in the Ditto Series and the MP-76 dynamic mic.
TC Helicon also has a gift for european singers
NewsSpecial priceTC Group also launched a special offer for singers, and offers them an MP-75 microphone for the purchase of a VoiceLive Touch 1 or 2.
TC Helicon MP-70 & MP-75
NewsTC-Helicon has announced the upcoming availability of the MP-70 and MP-75 mics.
TC-Helicon Announces the MP-75 & MP-70 Microphones
NewsTwo handheld dynamic mics, one with added Mic Control right there on the barrel…