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Gotchanoddin' Club Bangin Kicks Vol.1

GotchaNoddin.com Releases Club Bangin Kicks Vol.1.

Club Bangin Kicks Vol.1 is a high definition Sample Library featuring 128 uniquely inspired kick drum samples. These Kick Samples can be used to create Crunk beats, Soulful Southern Bangers, House, Dance, Rnb, Slow Jams, Grimy East Coast Bangers, Love in the Club and any other style your inspired to make.

Club Bangin Kick Drums Vol.1 is $49.99, currently on sale for $42.49 and offers 32bit, 24bit and 16bit files for Wav Format, Reason Refills, MC909, Fruity Loops, Motu MachFive, Halion, Battery, Kontakt and the EXS 24 Sampler.

Club Bangin Kick Samples Vol.1 is pre-programmed with 2 program files to load with the Akai MPC 500, Akai MPC 1000, Akai MPC 2000/XL (9 Floppy Disks), Akai MPC 2500, Akai MPC 5000, Akai MPC 3000 (9 Floppy Disks), Akai MPC 4000, Roland MV 8000, Roland MV 8800, Reason Refills, Korg Triton (Triton Studio 5 Floppy Disks) and can be imported into the Roland Fantom Series Keyboards and the Roland MC-909 (with additional RAM installed). When choosing the Wav format, the patch files to Native Instruments Battery, Kontakt, Apple Logic EXS 24 .exs, Steinberg Halion are included. GotchaNoddin.com specializes in creating all new sounds for Hip Hop, Dance, RnB, and Reggaeton Styles. MP3 demos are available for each sample library and the Club Bangin Kicks Vol.1 can be ordered online at the Gotchanoddin website.

For more information, visit their web site at www.gotchanoddin.com.
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