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Introduction & a cry for help

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Topic Introduction & a cry for help
Hi all, just a quick introduction. Im a guitarist, singer songwriter. Earlier this year I purchased a wooden log cabin in kit form. Ive modified it to have 3 rooms. Its use will be for teaching guitar and recording. The room sizes are 2 X3 metres; waiting room and possible vocal booth, 3 X 3 metres for teaching and control room, which currently houses; Behringer 900 eurodesk, 2 alesis ADAT's, pair of wharfedale monitors, Tascam 788, rack with various equipment, M-Audio 2 in 2 out A/D interface, Laptop.
The third room is also 3 X 3 metres and this will be the live area, which will be soundproofed to hopefully keep out the noise from my neighbours son who has a sit on tractor!!!! which he seems to start up whenever I start recording............:mad: So far the teaching is going well, the recording though...........Iv'e run into trouble which I was warned about. Because my control room is square (I didnt have any control over the two 3 X 3 metre rooms) , I cant hear the bass frequencies when Im in the middle mixing! Only if I venture out the sides/corners of the room. where they really boom! Can anyone give me advice on acoustic treatment to cure this. Ive been told to hang some panels (Absortion material in a frame, covered in cloth) on the walls and from the ceiling. Im looking for some second opinions or is this a possible cure? So much for the brief introduction eh? Thanks, Telecastermark.