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sound studio home

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Topic sound studio home
I am a KJ DJ and I do my own recording and I use Creative Media Source for my computer, and my karaoke plays sound tracks and displays the words on the screen. To remove the vocals from DJ music, I have audio voice control, and anyone who want to sing along or be the singer, I can adjust the voice level to over drive the singer, giving the singer center stage and have a backup singer. It pretty simple and I use 250w preamp and an eq along with my burner. I find that tapes are two noisy and with my KJ equipment along with my creative media source sound card, I do a great job recording, I am a vocal person and I like to pull the vocals out and the sound is down but not to down. I get clean vocals and thats important. Check out my showcase. at Showcaseyourmusic.com Nance Jayne. I hope I have helped some.:cool: