TopicPosted on 01/26/2008 at 03:29:29Best-of Quotations !
Here you can put the best citations you read on the audiofanzine forum !
The first is an english/french paragraph :
Conforming with article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés", vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression de vos données personnelles.
I have always thought that you develop a different identity when speaking a foreign language (I have many examples of that phenomenon, and it's quite obvious because, for instance certain cultures and the language they're connected with allow certain attitudes that others don't).
Just to say that Putois-Pépé the pew- already looks nicer when he speaks english.
Putois > You stoopid doucheb*g, we already knew that, if you don't understand why I used Pépé le Pew (thanx StratGuy, I thought so but wasn't sure) I 'll tell you : we're French, in a forum for english speaking people. Pépé le Pew is a well known French cartoon character, I mean a caricature of a French lover seen by Americans, so it fits you very well here (plus he stinks). Got it ?