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Annoying problem! Cubasis VST has error-loop and stalls computer...

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Topic Annoying problem! Cubasis VST has error-loop and stalls computer...
I'm having TONS of problems with my Cubasis VST software, and am unsure if it stems from my Tascam US-112, my computer or Cubasis VST software?

I am able to open Cubasis VST, am able to record a track from start to finish, however when I attempt to either erase the track, move the track or edit the track, the Cubasis software immediately reports an open-looped error box (like 100 error boxes appear 1-by-1, and I have to quickly try closing each box so that my entire computer doesn't freeze).

The boxes say something about there being a fatal error and to try to save the Cubasis LOG so that I can get help from Tascam.

I'm not great with computers, but my only guess is that I need to erase previous songs that I've created to make room for new tracks? I've already tried uninstalling Cubasis VST and reinstalling it, so maybe the problem is with a driver or my Tascam US-112? ANY HELP WOULD BE INCREDIBLY APPRECIATED!!!