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I'm not a good singer but I want to become a song writer

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Topic I'm not a good singer but I want to become a song writer
:oI hate singin lol cause once u hear my voice its just terrible I'm only 14 but my birthday is feb.15 so I'll be 15 soon..I only wrote one song because I don't even know if its going to be has good as my family thought so I'm just gonna let you guys judge that ....theres alot of talented people in this world and i believe that everyone has a shot at suceeding ...My grandma is one of the best writers there is she is actually writing a book right now bout her life and where its leading her.:D..I write a BUNCH of poems because it really does get all ur anger/sadness/frustrasion/and other things out without having to take it out on someone well thats really all i need or shall say at this moment so just either add me on msn....daddys_lilangel3241@hotmail.com.....or just tell me how good my songs are lol i make no sense ..anyhow...make sure to rate my song:D bad or good..i need the truth