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New guy

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Topic New guy
Im new to recording all together. I play bass in a band in Dallas. We dicided to start recording ourselves instead of spending loads of money in studios. With a $1000 budget, and a drummer that's a manager at Guitar Center I got what I could afford.

I bought a PreSonus FIREPOD to start with. It came with Cuebase LE, Acid, and some other stuff. I was able to talk them into selling me a used rack with at Furman PL-Plus II power conditioner to put the FIREPOD in. I still have one slot open in the rack for something else in the future. I also got a pair of M-Audio BX5a 70 watt active studio monitors to go with it. We'll be shooting it all to a lap top withe the firewire. It's not a great set up by any means, but hopefully it will get the job done. My drummer has a lot of great mics and so do my guitar player and singer. Hopefully we can get some good recordings with them.

Anyways, just thought I'd introduce myself.
