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Thread Here is a website that might interest you.

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Topic Here is a website that might interest you.
In the passed few years music promoting as grown to an amazing proportion online. More and more artist are able to get there music out there and get direct feedback so they can improve. Furthermore some artists got signed due to the amazing exposure they got online. But who is the best? What songs should I use in my DJ set tonight? Those are all question that have many answers.

Things are moving so fast that it is hard to keep a track of what’s going on. Knowing that my self, I decided to do something about it; So for the last few months we have been working on a website that would help artists do there thing.

MixedBrand will grow in the months to come. For now it is a chart based website. As an artist you can see how people react to your creation. As long as you respect the rules your all welcome to join and believe me, there is a lot more in a near future for all of you.

Don't worry about the design, we are working on that.

So register and enjoy the exposure and the music.
