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Thread I need a bored musician to create some drum tracks....for money...

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1 I need a bored musician to create some drum tracks....for money...
My "band" and I would like to find someone who can (or already has) record drum tracks to some typical rock radio play songs (Green Day, Weezer, Tom Petty, etc.) We want a bunch of cover songs (drums only) that we can load on an ipod, play through our PA, and play along with them. We may one day find a drummer, but in the mean time we'd like to learn some covers and play some parties and such. With no technical capability and no desire to learn to program a drum machine, we'd love to find someone who can lay down some tracks and mix them down to mp3 files. This seems to be the simplest solution (though a little karaoke-like) but with our limited goals it might be fine.

Anyone have any leads for me or idea of where I can find downloads or a musician/consultant who we could pay to create what we need?

Thanks in advance.

Jack King
Laying down drum track is not that hard ok
have you ever used propellerheads reason its got a good drum machine in it and is real easy to use
you could lay down your drum tracks in reason then export them as audio files
let me know how you get on
