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can anyone help me recording vocals on Cubase with soundblstr audigy

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Topic can anyone help me recording vocals on Cubase with soundblstr audigy
HI .. I am a composer lyricist in the uk. trying to work with Cubase and slowly getting my head around it. Trying to record some vocals but have no idea how to get a signal the mic is in the mic sockethe track is an ausdio track and its in record... Piano is recording fine.. but no vocal...im going "la la la"...but i guess there maybe things Im not doing . My brain hurts! HELP!
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First post so please bear with me :)
Start a new project.
First off : your ASIO shoudn't be ASIO multimedia , it should be the one that came with the M-Audio drivers . Go into Devices\Device Setup\VST Audio Bay menu and select the M-Audio FastTrack Asio driver. Unselect Direct Monitoring. Check you have the required inputs and outputs using the next two menus below all point to the M-Audio Buses.
Next from the Project menu add a new Track - Audio
On the new track make sure the speaker icon is on ( coloured in )
Select the Mixer from the Devices menu
At the top othe the track make sure the input and output busses corespond to M-Audio Fastrack Asio ins and outs
Play something into your Fasttrack you should see the level meter move and hear the sound, if not save the project , exit Cubase and open the M-Audio Fasttrack control pannel as the problem is probably in there . You need to check that your headphones ( if you are using them ) are monitoring the correct output bus if it's configurable. Also check the levels in there. Reopen Cubase and the project you saved see if it worked.

Hope this helps
Oh Yeah , forgot to say if you can't find M-Audio Fasttrack Asio in the VST Audio bay then reinstall the Fasttrack drivers again