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I want to build a home recording studio. Where do I start?

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Topic I want to build a home recording studio. Where do I start?
I want to build a home recording studio. Where do I start and what would you all suggest that I look for in terms of hardware, software etc?

how much are you willing to spend????

get this lot:

Rode NT1-A -- https://www.soundonsound.com/sos/may04/articles/rodent.htm

Red5 Drum Mic Package -- https://www.soundonsound.com/sos/jan04/articles/red5.htm

Boss BR900 -- http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Boss---BR900-CD~ID~3843.asp


Boss BR1600 -- https://www.roland.com/products/en/_support/faq.cfm?ln=en&prd=BR-1600CD&dsp=0&iCncd=352

i would speak to this guy: paulwhite@paulwhite.org.uk

he works for sound on sound and hes given me priceless advice!

also buy the sound on sound magazine: www.soundonsound.com
well you could listen to that guy or listen to me or some one else haha but what i do witch bearly costs any money well for a sound stuodio any way

i get my drum set plasic screen so it isint so loud my bells lone snare drum macitosh computer some good musc soft ware my music books all set up a good supply of pens , pencils , and papers and a webcam and a micro phone t.v and a micro wave and a mini frige

thats an in expenive suodoi lay out for you and some awesome speakers and head phones boss perferibly and a laptop as well as desktop computer

%1$s a écrit I want to build a home recording studio. Where do I start and what would you all suggest that I look for in terms of hardware, software etc?


for starters, you could tell us what do you plan to do with it, who do you need to record, where do you want to place it, how much money do you have, what's the final product etc... :rolleyes:
I am atinuke ebelugwu, i am 16. i want to build a home recording studio but i dont know where and how to start. please reply to B357DJ. THANKS!