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Thread Just to introduce myself:

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Topic Just to introduce myself:
I have been recording with a few mates over the years, playing guitar, with drums and bass. Mostly for fun ‘Art for Art’s Sake’ would be accurate. Put ideas down to muck around with as a hobby. Just love music!
I originally had been using analogue reel to reel, recording for reference and 'note taking'. Graduated to cassette and now dabble in computer based recording.
Originally used SB Live! Value (believe it or not) to record a few band sessions with friends, but generally have had somewhat mixed experiences with DAW. My worst with a Maxi Isis Sound Card and recent good experiences with an Audiophile 24/96 audio card.
I do a lot of LP transfers and re mastering for CD as well as video editing.

Set Up:
P4 2.4 MHz 800 FSB
Gigabyte MB
2 x 120 GB Seagate HD
1 GB ram,
NVIDIA 570fx graphics card
21” Analogue Monitor.

I use Cool Edit and Sound Forge, the latter for cleanup of LP’s and Cassettes. Sony Vegas for video editing and DVD-lab PRO to create DVD’s (excellent software).
I am presently looking for a better setup that facilitates ‘note taking’ with music, putting ideas down to concentrate on playing our music with friends on Saturday’s.