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Cheers, Bedroom Dj/Producer. joining the force and has some questions

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Topic Cheers, Bedroom Dj/Producer. joining the force and has some questions
Hello all, my greetings to all of the participants in this amazing forum. I've recently started to fall in love with mixing, remixing and producing electronic dance music, in particular tech, electro and progressive house.
I have went out and purchased my self a pair of Pioneer CDJ-200 and a Pioneer DJM-400 to complete the set and started on mixing in the bedroom. in the meanwhile I got some gigs here and there, mostly at friends places and deserted pubs.

Now recently I have started to touch the producing side of the EDM and I made acquaintance with a program called cubase. up until now I used it on my Desktop computer but I my laptop computer is much more powerful and I would like to use it.

are there any problems using a laptop for music making? If i'm not recording any live instrument can I skip getting a firewire sound card and just get a MIDI-USB interface?

My laptop is also my main computer, that means it runs all the perphenelia of Microsoft Office, Firefox Ftp client, Winamp, Mirc, MSN messenger, and god knows what other Trojans :).

should I create a new partition and make a clean installation for music making or is it not necessary? If so, is there anything in particular i should notice?

My lappy is an HP DV-5269 EA
processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T5500
2 MB L2 cache

1024MB RAM
No more open ram slots
HD size: 80GB @ 5400RPM

an Nvidia GeForce Go 7400 GFX card
256 mb TurboCache

3D Sound Blaster Pro‏ Sound card

Thanks for your time and help.

I hope I didn't break any rules. or your time :):rolleyes:
erm, i think i wrote it in the wrong forum, anyway, i'll make it introduction as well lol
My name is david,
I'm 23 years old from israe. all of the above comes here ->