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Fellow musician in need of a little help

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Topic Fellow musician in need of a little help
Over on the Harmony Central bass forum there's a long-time community member who has taken seriously ill. He won't be able to play anymore so he's selling his bass and amp on ebay.

The HCBF community has started up a little collection with the intent of winning the auction and donating it to a worthy cause (as yet undetermined, so any ideas are welcome at this stage) in his name. Any money left over from said collection will also be given to him to help out with his inevitable medical bills.
He doesn't know about this whole scheme yet, so it will undoubtedly be a very nice surprise for him.

If anyone is interested in checking out the story, he says a little bit about it in the auction description here (I'm not plugging for auction bids, in fact there isn't much point in bidding... we will definitely be winning the auction):

The Harmony Central thread about it is here:

Check it out if you have the time, and help out if it moves you to.
Spread the word... we can all imagine what it would be like if we couldn't make music anymore.
