TopicPosted on 10/03/2004 at 02:38:33HELP!!! need info on how to make money with this thing!!
hey everyone i just found this website. been checking it out and it looks awsome. :D i just set up a 24 track studio in my house and i need some info. one big question is, i see tons of people making a heck of alot of cash with there home studios. just want to know where to go to get info on how to get this thing off the ground a making money. my studio is not big enough for bands or anything. but i can do add jingles or whatever a 1 or 2 person 24 track digital studio can do. if theres someone on here whos doing this please give me help on this. i would love to make this my full time gig. thanks everyone. have a great one....."E"