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Thread Opinions wanted: website of a group from Liverpool

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Topic Opinions wanted: website of a group from Liverpool
I every one.

I'm a musician from Liverpool.
I've just spent the weekend updating my site & would love to hear any views you may have.
The address is, http://www.thebigpicture.ukartists.com

There are some MP3 & WAV samples available to listen to.
Please feel free to tell us what you think in our forum &/or guestbook.

If you like what you see & hear, pass it around. :D

Tanx for ya time x
Hello and Welcome!

Could you tell us a little bit more about the way you record and you mix your mmusic? It could be really intersting to share your experience ;-)
Have used various sequencing programs over the years including PRO.24.

I've been using Cubase VST for the last few years now though.
I have a Behringer desk along with several old synth ( like SH101s & D50s ), but I generally use the sound blaster on board synths these days along with some extra plug in synths.

The bass, guitars & vocals are all hooked up to the comp via the desk, which has my old Yamaha compressor/limiter patched into it.

I have 2 young kids ( the eldest is 1 & the youngest is 3wks old ), so I've had to do most of my mixing using headphones.( Dunno if anyone else has this prob, but mixing with headphones isn't the best way to stuff? )
I would prefere to have the sound wide open. That way you can hear exactly what's going on. :)

Anyway, hope this is the typ of answer you were looking for?
Have a listen to some of the samples on my site & let me know what you think.