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Looking to monitor my bro’s activity on PC

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Looking to monitor my bro’s activity on PC
Hi everyone, i have been using Mac for a while, but now have installed xp on that. My younger brother is using it now……but since he has his exams coming up….I want to have a software installed on that will restrict him from going on unwanted sites and can monitor the moves on the pc. In total I need a spy for the pc that will help me monitoring him. Does XP have a tool of such kind…..or if you know any other ones that are good. Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.
Wish i could help; not sure of a great product.

was wondering, however, what you think about running XP on a mac... i've thought about it for mine but haven't always heard great opinions on the topic
I know a few people running xp on mac. apparently there were some problems in the beginning, but now i think it runs smoother.