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< All Fender Highway One Telecaster [2002-2006] reviews
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Fender Highway One Telecaster [2002-2006]
Fender Highway One Telecaster [2002-2006]
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Guitare77 Guitare77
Published on 09/25/07 at 23:26
Guitar made in United States
Maple neck
1 master volume
1 master tone
A 3-position selector
Color sunburst
A Telecaster quality.


The maple neck is nice.
Looking back because I since 2004, I find the correct
Solo, as in rhythm, we feel that we play on the standard.


Switch in neck position, the lack of grain
In a medium sound selector is no more.
Bridge position, the sound is a little cold.
It is clear from the microphones are mid-range.

In addition, must not forget the side of the single coils hum. This is not a noiseless


posted in June 2007
Here it with me for 3 years, I am always happy.
I think the soon to customize improve performance (pickups, tailpiece 6 bridges, routing can be larger and more powerful new mechanical)