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Fender Standard Telecaster [1982-1986]

Fender Standard Telecaster [1982-1986]

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Telecaster series

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Fender Standard Telecaster [1982-1986]Published on 03/03/10 at 09:09
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
The review covers 2 Standart Telecaster USA 1986 and 1992. Non-vintage bridge. Rosewood. 21 cases.L one is black (1986) and one sunburst (1992). Alder body. Good violin.


All 2 have a handle "modern c", nothing special, it's typical telecaster with its qualities and its defects.


We can play little part prs all styles of metal, but it's empty even when the instrument is a distortion intressant with metal.
However a diffrence between the 2:
The 1986: beautiful sound, his foot on a Roland Jazz Chorus with a little chorus precisely. It has everything you would expect from a tele. Dynamic and twang with this unique sound.
The 1992: dcevant. Sounds poor because...…
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The review covers 2 Standart Telecaster USA 1986 and 1992. Non-vintage bridge. Rosewood. 21 cases.L one is black (1986) and one sunburst (1992). Alder body. Good violin.


All 2 have a handle "modern c", nothing special, it's typical telecaster with its qualities and its defects.


We can play little part prs all styles of metal, but it's empty even when the instrument is a distortion intressant with metal.
However a diffrence between the 2:
The 1986: beautiful sound, his foot on a Roland Jazz Chorus with a little chorus precisely. It has everything you would expect from a tele. Dynamic and twang with this unique sound.
The 1992: dcevant. Sounds poor because not enough expressive (though the pickups are original). Why? I do not know but it is true that the Fender vintages are not equal all.


Like what the surprises are not lacking. Particular attention as some models of the 70s/80s. Anmiques sounds and body is in 5 parts! As for the price one pays the USA logo and the term but it is less foutage of mouth than Gibson.
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Fender
  • Model: Standard Telecaster [1982-1986]
  • Series: Telecaster
  • Category: TLC-Shaped Guitars
  • Added in our database on: 08/14/2006

We have no technical specifications for this product
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Other Fender tLC-Shaped Guitars

Other categories in Solid Body Electric Guitars

Other names: standard telecaster 1982 1986, standardtelecaster 1982 1986, standardtelecaster19821986, standard telecaster1982 1986