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Squier Affinity Telecaster [1998-2020]
Squier Affinity Telecaster [1998-2020]

TLC-Shaped Guitar from Squier belonging to the Affinity series

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snake202 snake202
Published on 09/01/05 at 03:18
Squier tele akin, made in China if I am correct.
21 frets
2 mic like all the tele
3 position selector micro tele like all the
1 volume
1 tone

Although it is not sure the quality of US but the key is there.


The neck is super nice and suits me perfectly, I tried the Mexican series and the difference is minimal, lergonomie is the same for American series in a little less well finished so I do not complain.
In terms of weight it properly.
Is getting good sound is easy, you know a jack plug, put the volume, set a tone and how it uses micro? Everything works as hell.


Quite simply everyone has a fetish Gratt and I have found mine, so it suits me for the sound! I play with a FERDER FM 65 R 2 together and walk nickel, and also a DS-1 pedal. I get the sound I want from mild to warm crystal-clear, foil ... etc.. properly for a tele! Personally I like all the sonoritée a condition to play this match. That's good since I am rather Polivalente, I get to play big thing very powerful rock metal or simple walks variety or music.


I've had 1moi and a half of thunder and it works. I tried quite a model, I needed a model and the tele Gammla price there is no mass (220 €). I find the money RAPORT very acceptable for a budget. I do it again this choice indegniablement ... unless I had more good tune for sure probably an American series.