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Fender Champion 600 [2007-2012]
Fender Champion 600 [2007-2012]

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Fender belonging to the Champion series

cymcym cymcym
Published on 06/29/07 at 09:50
Small tube amp for home. (See other feedback for accurate description is no need to redo the copy / paste the fender website ;-))
2 entries.
It can connect to an external speaker (4 ohms)
Very nice finish, really. Smells like leather ... ;-)
The power cable fits inside with a scratch to fix it.


It is not possible to + simple because there is only one volume knob.
This gives a clear sound superb, the bass stand out, surprisingly for such a small HP.


Besides the superb clear sound with a simple micro side handle, you get a rock with his old easel in SH4. Rhythmic sound a little AC / DC debut album, not too saturated.


I use it for a month. I love the clear sound. Is made to play alone at home without killing the neighbors. I play 7 / 12 (and yes it goes up 12 to 10)

For slightly distorted sounds => overtube

I can not still have a lead sound great (I use the super Jacques overtube) because I think it's the HP that allows it. I think to a speaker 2 * 12''in 8ohms / / (=> 4 ohms) to solve this problem. Then it will be the perfect amp.