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Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue
Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue
hurricane hurricane
Published on 07/18/04 at 10:01
1x12 combo, 40 watt all-tube (three 12AX7 pre-amp with 6L6 power and 2)
two channels (clean and drive) with a 3-band common legalization


Configuration extremely simple, but effective. is the type of amp where you plug the guitar, play and sound any type of scratch: Start, or paul tl


Trs good amp for playing blues and rock, is not really suitable to drive mtal because of its clear trs limit.les typs are excellent fender (surprenant!) but less crystalline than is can be achieved with a twin reverb (REFERENCE). the drive, even pushed to the max does get a slight overdrive trs.
amp Ragit trs well with pedals for overdrive / distortion (BOSS BD2, SD1, DS1, Tube Screamer ...) which finally allows to obtain a versatile style couillu (a not mean saturation background).


For those who did not understand, I love this amp, I also look for another, if one of you a seller, I take.