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Fender Blues Junior III "Creamy Wine"
Fender Blues Junior III "Creamy Wine"

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Fender belonging to the Blues Junior series

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davyto davyto

«  The sound fender »

Published on 05/29/12 at 08:15
15 Amp All Tube w
An input, an output hp, more can connect a footswitch (optional)
Eq: Vol, Treble, mid, bass, master, reverb button + fat


I use it at home and in concert
Even if only 15 w, sound is powerful enough to play in front of a room of 100 people without problems.
The settings are pretty simple and accurate. Button fat is not used to much, but hey, we do not use an amp in my opinion fender so that we provide a distortion to the amp.
In rehearsal, I often have a hot rod deluxe, but I think the blues junior is more precise in its settings and especially, as it is less powerful, are used more throughout the range of its lamps.
Deserves a standby switch in addition to the on / off.


Fender sound!
Of course, this is an amp to use for its clear and I do cruncher with a tube screamer or multi effect my hump.
But we manage to do it alone also cruncher. The sound is so clear you can hear everything, even the slightest imperfection! Coupled with my strat with a boss multi effect and a cry baby, it was an infinite variety of sound.
A real pleasure!


What can I say, a reference and with the vintage look, it's even better!