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< All Fender Super-Sonic 112 Combo reviews
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Fender Super-Sonic  112 Combo
Fender Super-Sonic 112 Combo
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Pucelle_Dabidjan Pucelle_Dabidjan

«  If God played guitar, he would play on another amp that one: p »

Published on 10/29/10 at 05:52
Again, I do not re-quote everything that the others have already noted. A nice amp, benefiting from two modes (Vibrolux and Bassman) and a vintage fashion and burn mode. Which, as its name does not indicate, has nothing to do with your family jewels but is supposed to add gain.

Note a real effect loop, effective, what is good for Fender amps, usually stingy for such options. But no second channel, which is bad. Except, of course, if you toggle the sound of the crunch bassmann-luxury vibrator, which has less gain, but not Peru anyway.


No, the configuration is not simple over-simplistic amps like the At Mars, the 65-amp lil elvis-king, or Retro plexi 18 completely intuitive. But also the family of Fender amps it seems a bit more complex. The addition of a conventional equalizer might do him good, but there are many different sounds and behaviors that can have this amp and knobs interact strongly with each other. So, it's the holy hack to find the sounds you love and everything does not necessarily sound good.

I enjoyed the fact that we could get a lot of different sounds and typical low volume. So, use at home or in cafe concert is quite possible.

A big "BOOUUUH" for background noise, this amp absolutely hilarious that emerges. This is very bad, any category Amp confused. One has the impression that someone vacuuming in the background. it spoils a lot of adventure. I would add that none of the other two Fender amps I've tried his hand had this defect, so we can exclude a problem of guitar, or cable industry.

The worst for last. The reverb on my amp was ineffective test. The seller told me it was broken. Amp on a nine that never left the store, it's disturbing.


From the outset, I found some real sounds. But I have not picked a slap. The width of the sound seems smaller than its counterparts or other good amps in this area, the crunch is a bit less natural and I feel a little more overall hardness, or Fender me there more often used to sound fluid and playful.

The sound "vibrator-luxury" was not to my taste, though I love the amps-luxury vibrators usual. By-cons, I appreciated the fact that you can also play a few more things on the saturated amplifier. By-cons, I do not consider the popping sound of this amp as transcendent. It's good but not great. Bassmann sound was good, although, again, I have not completely solved bassmann, in any case I found something in the mind and the thickness of the sound was enviable, downright good to see some uses.

Different guitars plugged kept their original character, but I did not find the same fidelity, and the same dynamic as a good Fender amp.


Suddenly, my grade is severe. This amp sound is assured. But I regret that the sounds are a little ways. He had experimented a lot with the receiver to find its full potential. But even at full capacity, it remains a little behind when compared to what is currently (headstrong, fender, carol-ann to name a few).

The prices also seemed very strong. In view of the sounds mean, I would not advise him. But everything is a matter of heart and probably some will love the sounds it generates. I regret very much, by-cons, the high background who surfed in the background. it makes it unusable in the studio to higher volumes. We hear, there's not shit.

Basically, this amp is fender that the dsl is Marshall. Not a crap, but there has been much better.